Introducing our new product - 360 Premium Box Spy Earpiece Set. This earpiece set combines all our latest developments and even more! Premium Box set gives you the opportunity to use any of the earpieces in our range - ULTRA and PRO, each of which is included in the set. Premium Box bluetooth module has a built-in antenna and does not require wearing the module on the neck.
You can place it in any convenient place for you within the earphone's reception radius (no further than 30 centimeters). Box Premium Bluetooth module uses the innovative 360invisible development - a pluggable remote microphone with an answer button and a button for giving a signal to the interlocutor. This will allow you to place the microphone in a place convenient for you and also simplifies access to the answer button. When you press the signal button, the interlocutor will hear a short beeping signal. This is necessary in case the user does not have the ability to use voice.
The 360 PREMIUM Set includes. Premium Box set is the best solution from our company that will allow you to use our products in any situation where it is necessary.